Torrance, CA
The South Bay Scooter Club will be hosting the 12th ANNUAL SoCAL SLOW RIDE on April 2, 2016.
If your scooter has always had troubles keeping up on "normal" scooter rides and rallys, this event is for you! Designed for scoots 125cc or below, this ride is a slow, sub-40mph cruise through Palos Verdes and the South Bay. Beautiful scenery at a very slow pace. Slow vintage scoots preferred, but this event is open to all slow scooters.
12NOON: Meet at the Torrance Crossroads Shopping Center parking lot - Park around the fountain in front of the Gen Korean restaurant (intersection of Crenshaw & Lomita Blvds). MAPS will be given out before the ride, so be sure to get one. Please GAS UP before the ride, as we will NOT be stopping for fuel once we get underway.
Ride leaves at 1PM for the famous, and often-copied, SOUTH BAY SWERVE 'N' CURVE ROUTE through Palos Verdes, done at a very slow pace. The ride will end at TBD.
T-Shirts are available ONLINE ONLY at THIS LINK. There are both light and dark T-Shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies available.
Rain cancels.

For more info about our club, please go to the South Bay Scooter Club website.