Well, in November of 1959, one scooterist, named Ron Bowman, actually did. All the way from Canada to South America.
And he did it on a 150cc Series I Lambretta.
Add to the fact that once he got to Mexico City, his soon-to-be-wife joined him on the back of his scooter for this epic journey, and a lot of folks in 1959 probably thought they both should have been committed.

But, this type of an epic journey probably came along with a bunch of great stories. And it did. And now, Ron's son, Gordon Bowman, is trying to get all of the stories related to this romantic and fun adventure published for everyone to enjoy.
But he needs a little help.
He is using the project funding website, Kickstarter, as a way to raise enough cash to be able to publish his Mom and Dad's story of a ride to South America.
But, he's only got until October 20th, 2013, to try and raise enough money. That's the way Kickstarter works: if the funding for a project does not reach it's goal, it does not get funded.
So, I am encouraging every scooterist reading this to throw a donation his way. I, for one, would love to read all of their stories. I'm sure it would be a very fun, and relatable, read to all of us who ride two wheels, whether on a scooter or a motorcycle.
Ron Bowman passed away in 2004. But it's nice to know that his son, Gordon, has been fighting ever since, to get his mom and dad's adventure filled story to all of us. If you can, please fund Ron's story.
Click here for the link to Gordon's Kickstarter campaign, and a cool description of how he came up with the idea to do the book.
Click here for a few excerpts from the book.